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Dream Your Dreams. What are You Going to do When You Grow up?

What do you want to do when you grow up?” Every young person, is asked, even adults. Sometimes seriously, sometimes in jest.

Ever since I was old enough to answer, my list has brought smirks at its diversity.

Most of my dreams have been fulfilled, the greatest among them, finding Carole, my soulmate for over fifty-years.

In semi-retirement, I added to my bucket list and have become a novelist.

Placing fictitious, composite characters with a myriad of opinions, personalities, and philosophies, into imaginary circumstances and places is creatively fulfilling.

I look to an exciting future as a grownup and encourage all to keep dreaming.

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“Return to Redemption Ridge,” is a Novel of love, spirituality, history and mystery with a twist of the paranormal.
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